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Dog - falling over, balance issue

18 15:06:02

My 10 year old lab/pitt mix fell down the steps a little over a week ago.  Since then, she has been tilting her head to the right and her third eyelid is enlarged (covers part of her eye).  About 3 days after the fall, she started developing a balance issue - she falls over onto her right side, and it seems that she lacks strength in her right legs.  We've been having to help hold her up when going to the bathroom, etc.  The odd thing is, she has moments where she'll act fine - running around, etc., and then suddenly she'll fall over.  We took her to the vet - she had 103 fever, but her ears seemed fine.  The vet suggested it might be an ear infection, and gave us prednisone, amoxtycillan, an eye ointment, and a benedryl-type med.  A week later, she's either the same or worse- no better.  Also, she was a rescue and she had a head tilt when we first got her, which had subsided a lot.  Is this possibly an ear infection?  I read about vestibular disorders in the ears - would this fit?  If it was an ear problem, would it be possible for her to be fine one minute and not the next?  What would you recommend to do next?

IF she had this vestibular disease when you got her, it is probably not going to be curable.  They can have intermittent episodes, especially if there is any trauma to the inner ear. I use a drug called Meclizine to manage these cases.  IF she has a middle ear infection, then it needs to be investigated.