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Not intested in food and whining

18 15:14:43


We have had our staffordshire bull terrier since she was a puppy. She has never really showed much intrest in food, when she was a pup she ate more food than she does now but still not an average amount. We tried many different types of dog food and added things to try and get it to appeal to her but she takes one look at it may take a few bites and leaves it despite only having one meal a day, she then goes back to it later in the day which i know we shouldn't leave it out but i dont want her to go hungary. Putting in mind we skip meals when she has an upset stomach or has been sick. Is she just fussy or is there a serious side to it?, Also in a completely different scenario she constantly whines, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her so we accepted it as attention seeking but even when she is being paid attention she continues to whine,please can you advice me on how i can solve this problem.
Many thanks, much appreciated.


Hi Kayleigh - Sounds like she needs a boost to her diet - there is a few supplments that may help her to eat a little more.  Also, you want to insure her health and she needs certain vitamins:

Please purchase the following for your kid.....

Oh, Was a GREAT PHOTO of Carna - Good looking girl.

1.  Please add some Salmon Oil - 1 teaspoon per day - mix into her food... ( you can find pure salmon oil in the pet stores)

2.  Please add some NuVET Plus supplement - This is the Best Bullie Vitamin /Supplement in the USA...  They have thousands of Bullies on NuVET wafer treats each day - Helps to give them an appetite and gain some weight and Bulk muscle...
Please call Joan and ask for the NuVET Plus 90 count wafers... Ask her for the Auto Ship every 90 days - YOU will get 15% off all orders that are on Auto Ship... The cost of NuVET is only about .50 cents per day.
Keep your girl healthy and well for a lifetime:
call now ( 1-800-474-7044 ext 265 )  Joan is at ext 265 from 8-4 M-F California Time zone :  NUVET is guaranteed to help her appetite and health or your money back...
***here is the web site for your review:
REMEMBER to call in the order - they ship out much quicker with phone ordering....  ( the 90 count will last you 3 months)
YOU can ask for Auto Ship Every 3 Months:

3.  As for the " attention seeking" whines, I would think this is just a habit she has developed... You can get a personal trainer to break her of this.... It will cost you some $$$ for them to come to your home...( her turf)

I hope the salmon oil and the NuVET helps her to stay healthy and gain an appetite.
YOU can also add some cottage cheese - 1/4 cup per day - If she will eat it...?

Let me know how it all goes...

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Pet Chef
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