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Tiny Dots on belly/eroginous zones

18 15:14:48

Ive noticed recently, my 3 yr old Shih Tzu has been getting these tiny brown/black dots around her nipples, across her belly and around/on her vagina.  There is a patch of about ten dots on an area inside her right leg.  Ive been searching for a few days for an article regarding such issues but have not found any.  The dots are not raised, do not discharge when squeezed light to moderately and she isnt losing any hair or excessively oil/dry anywhere.

Hi Justin - you can have a vet check her out... I believe it may be a yeast are some things you can do- should help if it is yeast.

1.  Yogurt, give 1/2 cup per day of the ACTIVIA brand, only this kind... has the active cultures... Do this for 10 days

2.  A Must is NuVET Plus - Please call Joan now - she can help you with this Immune system Booster and skin healer... Great vitamin for your baby & will help to reduce or stop rashes.
1-800-474-7044 EXT 265  ( TEll Joan Marie sent you from # 81098 All Experts/ Ask a VET....)

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Let me know how it all goes...?

Marie Peppers