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my blk labs tail

18 15:49:48

I've noticed approx. 1 month ago that my labs tail seems to be swollen the first 3 to 4 inches down from the butt area. What could cause this???
Thank You

Hi Louise!
I would definitely take your dog to your veterinarian to have this swollen region physically examined.  This could be caused by an abcessed scratch, a fracture, a mass, ect.  
If there are no open areas on the tail and it is not painful to touch, your veterinarian may want to perform a fine needle aspiration.  To do this, your veterinarian will insert a find needle into the swollen area and obtain a few cells from this area.  The cells will then be studied to determine what kind of cells are making up this swollen area.  If the cells are harmful, the area will be removed.
If there is an open wound, or has been a scratch recently in this area, it's more than likely abcessed. Your veterinarian will gently flush the abcess out and maybe even place a drain to expell the infection for a few days.  Your dog will then be on a course of antibiotics which will heal the infection.
If the tail is fractured, it will be painful to touch.  I can't say that this is an uncommon thing with they are such happy dogs and the happier they get, the harder they wag those tails.  Unfortunately, they continue to wag those tails even when they are crashing into things...hence a broken or fractured tail.  Your veterinarian may or may not place a splint type bandage on the tail to promote healing.
There are many causes for this type of swelling.  It would be best to get that labby baby to your vet so it can be diagnosed and treated.  I wish I could be of more help!
Please let me know how he/she does!