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18 16:08:09

I rescued a doberman pup at least it looks and acts like a doberman.Is there a way to find out if she is a pure bred? someone said that it could be done with a DNA test? If this is true what does it usally run $. Thank you Janice

                    I feel that you have been misinformed, as I am not aware of a test that would come to determine if a dog is pure in breed. I can not even say I would know how it would work. Nonetheless, if I am wrong and such a test exists, I would believe it would be rather costly. I am offering my personal e-mail address. If you wish you can e-mail me a picture of her, and I would be able to tell you by seeing her, if she is in fact purebred.
However, even if she is not, and comes to have only a portion of purebred Doberman in her, keep in mind that this may benefit her; as Dobermans are plagued by many breed specific conditions, most of which Doberman mixed breeds seem to avoid.
I am sure she is a sweet and loving dog regardless of her breed(s), and commend you on choosing to open you heart and home to a dog in need of a loving home as well as the fact, that you looked to a rescue organization as an alternative to a breeder. I hope I have provides some insight to your concerns. Just as well, please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.