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passed away today

18 14:49:05

My beautiful boxer bitch has passed away this morning. We have two other bitches aged 5 and 8. The 8 year old bitch is her litter sister.  Should they smell the body of our deceased dog before we bury her?  Will it help them deal with her death?

If she died at home they already know. My dog didn't smell my beautiful Cameo when she died in 2005 and Annie Mouse was there- but she knew and she mourned her the same as I did. She was not far from her when she died, but there was no sniffing. In my experience most dogs won't sniff the dead one but they know in a way that we can't fathom.

I am sorry to hear about your dog. Boxers are such wonderful, sweet, loving dogs that it is such a shame they have so many health issues at times. I hope that if she was ill she didn't suffer.

Be extra attentive to your dogs throughout the next few weeks and if they seem morose or lethargic to you for a few days that is normal. Some are rather subdued for about two-three weeks. Just watch for any other signs of depression such as refusing food etc.

Most of them will eat even when they are grieving.