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Gurgling Noises

18 14:43:22

My dog Tiky is a 5 yr old yorkie. Today, she ate breakfast at her usual time- around 5:00 am.  I was away at the office all day, and when I came back at 5 found that she'd thrown up once, yellowish liquid, and that her stomach was gurgling. I thought she was starving at first, because usually she eats around 2:30-3pm, but she didn't eat anything.  She hasn't thrown up again, but her stomach keeps making noises.
Her mood was perfect when she greeted me, and she peed and pooped when I walked her at 5pm. her stool seemed normal.
I have noticed she doesn't really chew her food much.

Well she has a tummy ache, that much we know. You might want to give her a couple of plain tums for now, but Yorkies are prone to pancreatitis and when they vomit yellow that means bile and that can mean an upset pancreas.

If she is still vomiting tomorrow you should get her in to the vet. Pancreatitis is a serious condition that warrants a vet's care.  

You should also skip a meal for her to let her digestive tract rest but she can have water.

Don't wait if she vomits tonight- call the vet and get her in tomorrow.