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my 1 year old japanese spitz is sick

18 14:37:10

my Japanese Spitz has been sick for like a week or so, she has a cold, and coughs sometimes, and i think there are times that she's having difficulty breathing. She only eats chicken, at the most, and is very picky at other food. She drinks water, at least, and is always asleep. There are times that she doesn't want me near her and I'm really worried, I don't know what to do.

Your dog needs to be seen by a vet soon. There hundreds of reasons she could be sick, dietary being one of them. She has a very unbalanced diet.

She is ill and needs care. She could have heartworms, heart disease, pneumonia, a lung infection.
One week is long enough to wait. She needs to see a vet today.
Please call your vet and get her in to see him/her.