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hip dysplasia

18 15:30:08

My 7 yr old german shepherd is limping,it looks like on his front left leg. Our vet examined him and feels it is related to hip dysplasia as the only sore spot on exam appeared to be his rear right hip. Can this cause his limp to look like it is on the front leg? He seems to get up fine from his hips. He was treated 2 yrs ago for lyme disease and has been symptom free since treatment with antibotics. No xray has been done yet and he was treated with NSAID Metacam for 5 days, he seemed better, but now the first day off the meds he is limping again, can it be hip dysplasia?

No. Hip Dysplasia does not cause a forelimb lameness. I would recommend the lameness be re-evaluated and the forelimb be xrayed. Hopefully, it is nothing. However, bone tumors are very common in large breed dogs and can only be diagnosed by xray. It is so important to rule this out because it is so serious. It may be something simple like a soft tissue injury which will require 14 days of rest and NSAIDs(Metacam is fine) but in a 7 year old dog, xrays of the affected limb are indicated.
Good luck.
Dr. G.