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canine chocolate ingestion

18 15:53:11

Our 35 lb. 6 mo. puppy ate a pan of brownies yesterday and today is acting as though she has some brain damage(behavior-wise). No vomiting or any more than mild diarrhea noted. Any antidote that might be helpful?

Hi Anne.  It would be most beneficial to take your puppy to your veterinarian ASAP.  Chocolate is highly poisonous to dogs and can cause irregular heartbeat leading to cardiac arrest.
Getting her to your veterinarian TODAY will be very helpful and life saving.  They will give your puppy activated charcoal to soak up the toxicity.  Your puppy will also need to remain on IV fluids for up to 48 hours.  It's very crucial to get her to a vet today.  This is definitely considered an emergency.
Please let me know how she does and I'll be sending get well wishes to her!