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cat hair loss around neck--no fleas

18 15:23:49

I have a hymilain cat that is 18. She started loosing a lot of hair around her neck. It now is gone from ear to ear. I have had her to the vet twice. They have her on 2 med's. A Malaseb shampoo and a miconsol lotion antifungi. I don't see her scratching much but there is a little blood in small spots and almost no redness. The hair still coming out and she has been on the med's 2 weeks. Its now gone down her front showing about 3 inches of skin. The vet put her under a black light and the skin turned a greenish color. I think he called it green worn??

Am I missing anything!  There are no fleas! We resntly change her brand of kitty litter. ??

The medications that your veterinarian has her on is standardly an antifungal.  Perhaps they indicated that she has ringworm? If ringworm, as would be what I would suspect based on the items you mentioned, the treatment can take 2-4 weeks to make significant an effect so I would stick with the present course of action and if no improvement in 2 weeks have her seen again by your veterinarian.  Ringworm is a stubborn organism so I do not think you are doing anything wrong.

Best of luck to you and your feline friend. Sincere apologies for the delay as a family emergency kepy me away for several days and thus I have been terribly behind.