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my min pin is acting really weird

18 15:58:31

my min pin like to romme around the hills out side my back door when she came home this morning after  doing just that she seemed slugish i have had her for about 8 years now i can look at her and know if she is ok and i knew she wasnt she came in and headed strait for the computer table i called her and asked in a calm voice what was wrong then she snaped at me ,i have two small children and i cant have her doing that. mi Q is what could be wrong with her this came on out of now where now she is vomiting and wont move i wraped her up in a blankit to not get bit and put her in a room where my kids wont get bit. pls help i dont have the money for a vet visit and i am afraid she may die  thanks

Hi Kimberly. Unfortunately you need to get her to a veterinarian as fast as you can.  It sounds as though she has gotten into something toxic.  She is not snapping because of aggression, she is snapping because she's a very sick little girl.  You will need to take her to your veterinarian for treatment ASAP.  You can talk to your veterinarian about a payment plan or if they would hold a check for you.  If she doesn't get treatment, the consequences will be devestating.
Please get her to your vet as soon as you can.
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