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weird live thing found under pregnant cat

18 15:23:06

Hello,(okay, this is a wierd question)
is there such a thing as a tan small sac like thing that would come out of a pregnant cat or fall off of it?
Under where our pregnant cat was laying I found a what appeared to be a tan colored dropping. I didn't pick it up till the next morning as I forgot I had seen it.It looked more like a  large tan colored rabbit dropping. Well, I picked it up with tissue to dispose of it and it felt through the tissue soft like a fish oil capsule perhaps. Then, i noticed on one end these little teeny hair like things waving back and forth. I watched it for a minute and it freaked me out so I ropped it in the cammode and an air bubble came up over it. Then I flushed it. Do you have any idea what this could be?(other than an alien from MEN IN BLACK)Could it have been a larvae sac of somekind that got attached to the cat? There were no legs so it wasn't a weird round bug. It was just under the size fo a dime or a large rabbit dropping.

From your description the most likely explanation of this is a tapeworm segment.  If you find another I would suggest bringing it to your veterinarian. They will be able to positively identify it and provide deworming.  

I hope this helps.  Have a lovely day.