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newborn kitten

18 14:33:27

My Siamese cat just gave birth to kittens the first one died. The second one is still alive but it is not doing very well.i it suppose to drink milk from it's mother after 2 or 3 hours after birth?what can I do to help?Is it going to live?

I have no way to know if it will survive. You need to get the kitten to nurse. You need to put the kitten on the mom on her nipple and try and get her to nurse. Make sure the kitten is warm. If she won't nurse you need to get some kitten milk replacement and a kitten bottle right away and start her on it.
Otherwise she will not make it.

Call your vet and ask them if they have some kitten milk and bottles there.
Pet stores also have them. Do not wait 2-3 hours.

If your momma cat isn't vaccinated, tested for leukemia etc, there is always a chance that she won't have a healthy litter and should be spayed.

I hope she will survive.