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1 month old M orphaned kitten

18 14:11:33

Hello Jana,
Thank you for your time.  I have been caring for a 4 week old male orphaned kitten for 10 days now.  He weighs 380 grams, and is eating approx. 16 teaspoons of Nutrience brand KMR (KItten Milk Replacement) per day at 4 hour intervals.  Yesterday he had a visit to the veterinarian in our area to be treated for constipation.  He was given two enemas, 1 hour apart, and sub-Q electrolytes.  Dr. Karas gave him a clean bill of health otherwise, and perscribed 0.01 ml of lactulose to be given 2X, 12 hours apart for 2 days.  I know that lactulose pulls water from the body into the bowels.  My question is, should I be giving him some extra water, other than what he is getting from his formula, in between feedings.  He usually drinks 3 to 3 1/2 teaspoons per feeding, about every 4 hours.  Thank you again for your time
Kind Regards,

It certainly won't hurt to give him a little water in a bottle now and then but he is probably getting plenty from his formula. Oral fluids won't hurt him so give him some water or put a dish out. At four weeks old he should be able to start drinking from a bowl. Just make it a little round deeper bowl so he can't tip it over.