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male german shepherds

18 15:30:27

two out of three male puppies, now 6mths old, seem to have only one testicle- is other inside possibly? how does this affect their health, do they have to be neutered or have other treatment?  not worried about them being able to mate just want them to be healthy. thanks.

Well undescended testicles is usually genetic in nature. These types of dogs should never be bred anyway.
The other testicle is inside of the abdomen and needs to be removed when the dog is neutered. It is a more costly surgery unfortunately but it is well worth it. Dogs that are chryptorchid (the name for this condition) tend to have a higher chance of having problems with their health if the testicle is not removed.
Let the vet know they are both that way when you schedule the appointment to have them neutered. You might want to wait another two months to see if they will descend but it is unlikely that it will happen if it hasn't yet.