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Liver Disease

18 15:19:53

QUESTION: Our 14yr old shitzu/terrierr little dog has advanced liver disease plus heart
condition plus collapsed trachea - she has been on a variety of medicines, lasiks
and anitbiotics, and just got worse, they drained her yesterday to reduce fluid,
so her stomach is much smaller but she seems to be fading away, absolutely no
appetite, shaking, trouble walking - thanks so much

ANSWER: Cheri -

I did not receive a question in your letter.  

Best regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry about that, what are the possible treatments for both liver disease and
heart murmer

Cheri -

There are many treatments for advanced liver disease and heart murmurs.  It is difficult to give you a treatment regiment without examining your dog - your veterinarian can better help you with treatment.  

While advanced liver disease can be difficult to treat, there are several ways to keep your pet comfortable.  Draining fluid is one way accomplish a  comfortable state for your pet. Did your veterinarian tell you that your pet was in heart failure, also? That could be another reason for  accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.    

Consult with our veterinarian for the best treatment.  You may want to consult a veterinary internist (specialist) for more treatment options. An internist may recommend abdominal ultrasound or even an echocardiogram to evaluate the heart.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM