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My cat is 20 years old

18 15:02:52

My cat is 20 years old and he hasnt been well for the last month. We havent been able to take him to a vet because of money issues. He doesnt seem to be suffering. But he has been having fecal matter dripping from hes butt. and has lost a little weight. he still eats and drinks. but my mom and brother think we should put him to sleep. I dont know if i agree to that. but i dont want him to suffer. Do you think his body is shutting down because he is dying? what advise can you give me. Thank you very much.

In answer to your last question, probably yes. He will be suffering if he is dehydrated, and having constant diarrhea is going to make an old cat like this dehydrate very quickly.

Your Mom and brother are correct in this case, I am sorry to say. What kind of quality of life does he have at this point?

He must have some burning going on with this diarrhea also. The fact that he is still eating and drinking is good, and he isn't suffering very much at this point, but soon he will stop eating as well. That is your signal to take him in.

It is your responsibility as a pet owner to assure his life (and end of life as well) be pain free, so no matter what the cost, he needs you to give him one final gift of releasing him from pain and suffering at that point.
It is a gift that we can't give each other- so please give it to him when the time comes and have him put down peacefully.
After 20 years that is truly the way to honor him.