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Bordatella/ kennel cough

18 15:01:33

Hi, I recently got a puppy who is 8 months old. She came with proof of her shots already given to her. I noticed that bordatella was not on there, but I did not worried about this much because I heard that is a vac. that some people don't even give or is required. So i have been taking my dog to a large dog park alot, I noticed she caught kennel cough, i did take her to the vet and they gave her a antibiotics for it, but not a shot, because he said she needed to be well first. I started the meds 3 days ago, and she seems better, although i am continuing the meds, when can she go back out to the public? do i need to give her the shot first? and how often?

Kennel cough is a real problem in dog parks Lacey. It is rampant and it is because so many people don't get their dogs vaccinated. It can be left in your yard by a dog with it running across your lawn. That's how easy it is to spread it.
I would not take her back to the park until she was well. If she gets the nasal bordetella vac it takes three days to become effective. If she gets an injection, it takes up to two weeks. It is a better vaccination some vets think but I don't think there is much difference.
But don't re-expose her before she is well and is vaccinated. She must get a yearly booster if you want to keep taking her to these parks. Make sure she stays current on her distemper/parvo vaccination also as it is also easily spread at these parks.