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Cat Predatory Behavior

18 15:51:07

Hello Dr Fry,

I have a 3-year old male who is supplementing his dry food diet with small rodents (mice and chipmunks) that he catches around the area.  I know that he's been doing this at least once a week because generally he leaves the viscera and occasionally the tail.  Today he came in with a small field mouse and proceeded to eat the whole thing in three gulps.  Since I've never seen a cat eat caught prey, I wasn't sure if this was safe.  Can cats eat rodents this way?  Should I be concerned?

thank you,

It is a cat's natural instinct....some cats will eat the whole thing, some everything but the "guts" like your guy while others will just bring it to your for a present.  Just make sure there is no rat or mice poison outside so the mice he is eating are not poisoned.

Also, watch for tapeworms...small white rice-like segments that will crawl out of the rectum...when driend they will look like cucumber or tomato seeds on the fur.