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the danger of pregnancy in 8mo.maltese

18 15:01:40

Hello, my question concerns my 8mo.old miniature maltese...she just had her first menstrual cycle & a family male maltese might have gotten her pregnant! If so can this be dangerous for her at such a young age? very concern for her wellfare...should I be worried?

I would be concerned too. 8 months is very young to be having puppies. If she isn't being shown as a show dog then just make an appointment and get her spayed now.

Don't wait weeks and weeks. It will be too late then. It is more dangerous to spay them farther into the pregnancy.
She is better off being spayed now rather than having an unwanted litter that could endanger her. While you are at it, have the male neutered too!

Many dogs have puppies while they are babies themselves but it is not recommended. It is not recommended that a dog be bred until they are two years old. So 8 months is way too young.