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4-Month Old Puppy with Toileting Issues

18 16:08:14

Dear Ellen,
My husband and I purchased a Chesapeake Bay Retriever in November. Her name is Zoe and she is just 5 months old.
We have been having issues with what seemed to be her peeing in her sleep, on beds, furniture, etc.
We took her to our Vet and they did a urinalysis and found enough evidence to put her on an antibiotic for 10 days which we did.
I thought things seemed better but the other day my daughter stepped on the dogs fabric/pillow bed and it was saturated with urine, I mean dripping and she had been sleeping in it as well.
Washed the bed, moved it from it's corner.
All seemed well but this AM we noticed that she has been going back to the corner where her bed was and urinating again. I had cleaned the area with bleach and moved the cupboard out cleaned under etc. THEN she pooped on our bed this AM!
We have a low to the floor bed but still. It was formed feces, not loose like she could not control. My husband went nuts.
What do you think is the deal!
I must tell you that Zoe is put outside often all day long, she has love and attention lavished on her by all of us and in every other way is a sweet natured and obedient animal.
One other thing, the Vet says she has a recessed vulva, which could cause bladder infections but still I don't think that explains all these activities. Help!
Thanks very much,
Cynthia Wilson

Hi Cynthia!

Is your dog spayed? Some urinary leakage can be caused by estrogen loss?

Are you yelling at the dog anyway with the urination and defecation issue? You got to remember that dogs really dont have a great memory when it comes to this, plus they get embarassed by it.

Go ahead and restart your puppy potty training program. Lots of outside time for potty and get a second opinion for your dog if you are not 100% sure on your vets comments.

Hope this helps some! Things like this can be so frustrating.