Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > drool


18 15:26:53

my Rott seems to be drooling more than normal.  She has been outside most of the day.  We took her for a car ride.  when we got home, she went back out side until the children finished eating.  we let her back in before bed time.  she is drooling a lot more than normal and licking her nose/mouth.  I am a little concerned about her.  What do you think?

I am very sorry for missing your question previously.  Drooling and licking of the lips can often be signs of nausea.  There are many possibilities of cause of nausea from heat (unsure of where you live), viral illness. motion sickness or other systemic illness.

If you have any questions regarding how she did after this episode please let me know.  Again apologies for the delay.
