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pet sitting a dog with seizures

18 14:05:51

Greetings, in a few days I will be pet sitting 2 dogs and one of them is 7 years old and has a history of seizures. According to the owner, the dog hasn't had any seizures since 3 months ago and they are better under control with potassium bromide. She will leave me liquid valium as the dog had once a seizure lasting 10 minutes and it helped. I am a bit worried about this dog because stress can cause seizures I have heard. My biggest concern is a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes and the Valium not working. If this would happen in the night or on a Sunday, the only emergency vet is 1 hour and a half away, could a dog die within this time frame while going to the vet? Then again, perhaps I over worry, the owner works every day for 8 hours and told me the dog is crated alone for that time, so if he had a seizure nobody would be there to help him in those 8 hours. Yet, this dog is in my care and I worry for the pets left in my care. Thank you!

All you can do is what the owner has told you to do. Keep a veterinarians phone number on hand, and make sure you go over her instructions with her at least twice.

It's very, very rare for a dog to die from seizures. Make sure you do not give too much valium. That is the biggest concern. Also, it is not common for a dog to have ten minute seizures either, so that's less likely to happen again.

Make sure you are diligent about giving his meds at the right time each day. Ask the owner what time she give them.

Ask her about what triggers the seizures and make note of that. Keep excitement down to a minimum is that is a trigger for this dog. Sometimes loud noises, video games and certain foods can cause seizures in dogs prone to them.

You can always ask your own vet if he/she would be a backup vet for you if they are closer.

While it is good to be concerned about the pets left in your care, just relax and have fun with them!