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Swelling at the injection site!!

18 15:18:54

Eight days ago I took my cat, Victor, to have his first rabies, and feline leukemia shots. He was 16 weeks at the time, so he wasn't too overdue. Anyway, my Vet warned me that there would be some swelling, but I really only noticed it that day. I picked Vic up this evening (For the 16'th or so time today)and just noticed that the site is very swollen. I'm pretty sure that I would have noticed it earlier if it had been that swollen all that time. It doesn't seem to be painful to the touch, except it's big enough that it would almost have to be. Is this trip to the Vet worthy, or am I freaking out over something that is normal?

If he was going to have a reaction to the vaccination, I think he would have had it more than 8 days later. That is pretty unusual for it to be that delayed of a reaction, but nothing is impossible.
It don't think this is an emergency if he seems ok in every other way but if you are really worried call the vet hospital and tell the answering service you must talk to the vet tonight. He or she can then tell you what to do until tomorrow.
This sounds more like an abscess is forming in the spot unless it is very soft.
I can't say it's normal but again, I don't think it's an emergency.
Either way I would call to ease your mind.