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dont know whats wrong with my dog

18 15:19:59

i have a 2 year old mixed beagle who sounds like she has a fur ball. she keeps coughing until she gets sick. we have noticed that she has been eating a lot of grass. she is a house dog but on fine day we put her outside ,she wears a harness so she don't be choking herself with her collar.sometimes when she gets sick is smells like poop.would she eat poop or is something more wrong with her please help me. what is making her cough till she gets sick. thank for you time and understanding in my time of need   kim

Dogs get many kinds of throat irritations just like we do. They get infections in their chests and in their trachea's too. When a dog gags and hacks like that there is sometimes something stuck in one of their tonsils.
Most dogs will cough until they vomit and if they are vomiting hard enough they sometimes can vomit up from deep in the stomach which could have some digested food that will smell awful like stool.

You need to take her in to see the vet. He/She may need to prescribe some anti-inflammatories for her and some antibiotics.
He/she may also need to look down her throat and may have to give her a sedative for that.
I am sure she will be fine but she does need to be seen soon.