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Sadie is losing her hair.

18 15:18:53

My dog Sadie is an 11-month old blue Pitbull. She randomly started losing her hair so I brought her to the Vet and they asked me a bunch of questions and did skin scrapings and whatnot. They have no idea why her hair is falling out. They gave me a spray that is anti-inflammatory/ anti-bacterial. I spray it on as recommended every 8hrs and it doesnt seem to be helping. In fact she is losing even more hair. She cant afford to lose anymore she has so many bald spots. What can I do? WHats wrong with her?

Even though the skin scrapings were negative, she may still have mange mites on her skin.  Ask your vet to dip her in amitraz anyway.  If that doesn't give her any relief within 2 weeks, then treat her with antibiotics.  Blue coat color dogs have many problems with their skin, so a skin biopsy may be needed to tell you the problem.