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Seizure in Boston Terrier/vision loss

18 14:55:17

My 10 yr old Boston Terrier has had a few seizures over the last 5 years. Our vet advised to just monitor them as they are infrequent. However, since her last seizure a couple weeks ago, she is having vision problems. Seems to have lost some vision. Is there any chance the vision will come back or anything we can do to help her regain vision?


Vision changes are not common with seizures unless there are other parts of the brain being affected. If the seizures are particularly strong they could cause this.

Since I am not a vet I can't really answer this to your satisfaction. My suggestion would be to let the vet know of this and then maybe discuss an xray or ultrasound of the skull to see if there is something else going on in there.

Ten year old dogs do start to develop problems but if she is bumping into things or tilting her head or has a cloudy appearance in her eyes, then there may be something else going on unrelated to the seizures.

Call your vet and discuss this with him or the tech.