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Side effects of Vetalog (2mg) injection in dog

18 15:15:24

QUESTION: Our 10mo old (60lbs) Choc Lab/Aussie mix injured her shoulder while running crazy through our home. (Unfortunately her over zealous energy gets the best of her at times)  Since we have recently been diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia we were extremely concerned since she was not getting up or walking for several hours and took her to our Vet.  He took e-rays gave her a 2mg injection of Vetalog as she was diagnosed with a severe sprain.  It has been over 48 hours and now we are dealing with constant urination in the house (7-10 times overnight) and what seems to be uncontrolable for her.  I realize this a one side effect due to increased thirst.  Should we take up her water bowl at night so we don't have to re-carpet the house?  Or will lack of water make matters worse?  Secondly, how long will this side effect last?  I know our dog is upset that she is urinating in the house not to mention the concern our family has for her.

ANSWER: Hi Cheri - Yes, you are correct this is a reaction to the VETALOG - don't give her any more of this injection.... A side effect is too much urination:
Again, no more of this:

Common side effects of triamcinolone include vomiting, behavior modification such as depression and lethargy, increased thirst, urination and appetite, and panting.

I can give you some help for your girl.  Supplements and oils with an anti-infalmmatory from your VET.  There are many anti-inflammatory drugs your vet can give that are not as strong as the VETALOG.  The Vetalog is a strong steroid.  Tell your vet you would like to try a low dosage of Remadyl tablets.

Ok, let me know if you want a Feeding and Supplement program from me... All will be low cost and safe for your girl.
No wild side effects when you go Holistic and Natural.
Talk to you soon..
My guidance is free of charge...
Weekly e-mail correspondence with my clients...

Marie Peppers
All Experts
The Doggie Chalet Hotel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Can you tell me (estimate) how long this will last?  And should we not give her as much water or will this make matters worse?

Vetalog - NEVER AGAIN!!!  I was so concerned for her and her shoulder that I didn't realize the side effects nor did I ask.  Believe me, it won't happen again!

The side effects can last up to 48 hrs from the initial injection... Also, you will need to contain her and control the water intake.
Don't let her drink after 8pm... if it is hot in your house, then you will need to keep the water down for her.

Let me know if you want my help with supplements..