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guinea pig hay mite

18 14:55:13

hi i have two guinea pigs living together and one of them has a very scaly skin. I have been given ivermectin to apply at two weekly intervals. My concern is whether the other pig needs treatment as well, and a friend has suggested freezing all bedding as this kills the mites is this safe to do?  Regards Sarah

While I am not a guinea pig expert by any means common sense says to get rid of all the bedding and start with new and fresh bedding. That means moving the pigs and cleaning out the whole thing down to the floor and using some very diluted bleach on the floor, letting it dry then adding in the new bedding and then putting the pigs back in.

Otherwise I have no clue why freezing the bedding wouldn't be safe??
The guinea pigs certainly won't be in it while it's being frozen.
But that seems like a lot of work and no guarantee you will kill the mites.