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finch vomiting

18 14:08:02

I have a blue capped blue cordon finch female and from previous visit/scare found out that she has liver disease I guess is the best description. not sure if that would be correct although she does get yellow skin at times and is right now. I noticed that she was puffed up and at the bottom of the cage so I removed her I have a mixed aviary. she is now in a med cage with heat on her so she is not puffed up but when I went to remove her she vomited on me twice and it was only clear liquid so i'm hoping that she just drank some water and from the excitement and being ill she did this but that is my question is this something that is normal. I have had to place her in a med cage before and force feed her but since she vomited I was afraid to do that what should I do. she needs to be hydrated so I have misted her and has water in the cage but being so small there is nothing that a vet can do except keep her warm so i'm doing that myself if they try to get blood or give an iv it could stress her to death and i've experienced the positive effects of just having a lil alone time can do for the little guys.  thank you in advance.

I'm sorry I am not a bird expert. You need to address this to them, or pick one of the veterinarians in here that says they treat birds in their profile.

The bird groups are here:

Dr. Gotthelf might treat them:

I hope the little guy makes it.