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Itchy bum tail down?

18 14:38:32

Hi there,

I have a labrador neutered 1 year and a half yesterday he started with what we think he has an itchy bum (does not smell very nice) and tail down and his whole body is down as well as his head.  Flea tratment was done a couple of weeks ago and no ticks or swollen tail.  What do you think it could be?

Thanks for your support.


Whenever I see a Lab with his tail down, I think of a condition called "Cold Water Tail."  This is a condition of Labradors where for some reason, there is not enough blood going to the muscles of the tail. Fortunately, it does go away within a few days to a week.  Sometimes steroid shots help quicken recovery.  If the tail cannot lift out of the way when the dog poops, the stool will get on the tail and around the rectum and will be odorous.  It can also cause scalding of the skin in that area.  Have your vet check the dog.