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cat-third eye

18 15:54:32

Due to the hurricane, my vet is closed.  My Cat's third eye is beginning to cover his left eye. Any input/info regarding same?

B. Adams

Hi there!  How are you holding up over there?  My husband and I are in PA, but have been watching that hurricane like a hawk.  Looks like a real doozy and I hope that you and yours are all safe.
Now for your kittie.  The third eyelid may be exposed for one of two reasons...debri in his eye, or an eye infection/irritaion.  The only kind of eye drop that can be used on a cat that you may have at home would be Saline Solution.  Never use visine or the like as they can cause blindness.  If you have Saline Solution, flush out your cat's eye two to three times per day.  This will flush any debri that may be stuck in there, and help moisturize the eye as well.  If you don't have any Saline Solution, you can take a warm wet wash cloth and gently rub over the closed eye.  This can help work any debri out of there as well.  If the third eyelid is still visible by the time it's safe for you to head outdoors, a vet visit would be in order to obtain some prescription antibiotic eye drops.
I hope this helps and please let me know how he does!
Best of luck through the hurricane,