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7 yr old cat with skin problems

18 15:04:52

Hello! My 7 yr old siamese cat has some odd bumps on the front part of her neck. They feel like raised lines under her skin. They are free moving (they move with the skin layer) and don't appear to be red in shape. There are some areas on them that are scabby at the top. My cat is known to suffer from allergies and has had other skin irritations biopsied in the past, so my first thought is that it's something to do with her skin problems? She does seem to scratch at her neck quite often. She's had bumps like this before, but this time they've been there for about 4 days and not going away.

I've done as much research online as possible and can't seem to find anythnig that matches the description of her problem. Most places describe bumps as more circular, whereas these are irregularly shaped and raised with flat tops. Though it's hard to see through the fur.

I am considering bringing her to the vet, though i've brought her many times and when it is just her allergic skin they don't give me any solutions, and only cost money.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

This is all part of the eosinophilic granuloma complex in cats.  Miliary dermatitis is what you are describing, which is usually a flea allergy.  But cats can be allergic to many things and you can have the cat allergy tested to find out what the cat may be sensitive to.  The basic treatment for all of this is steroids. We use a shot of DepoMedrol about every 6 weeks to conrol the skin reaction to allegerns.