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cat constanly licking

18 15:41:17

my cat is about 1yr and she had fleas at one time .and we seemed to get rid of them .well every now and then i see one and i get it but she is always licking and chewing, scrathing .Her skin looks to be verydry do to the constant cleaning. now she has no hair on1/2 of her tail and the back 1/2 of her body all the way up is no hair.legs, some of the neck.she has some raw spots.which is why i cant give her a bath. she didnt do any of this when she had fleas. why now and what should i do .can i give her a bath in baby soap,oil or somthing that is mild just to put moisture back in her skin?
thanks ks

If she is occasionally getting a flea, then it is likely a flea allergy.  It could also be ear mites crawling on the body, but that is unlikely a cause of so much skin dosease. Ask your vet about Advantage for fleas and ask if your cat can have a shot of DepoMedrol to see if the shot will take away the itchiness of the skin.