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Cat-hairballs,urination problems

18 16:04:10

One of my 4 cats, which I have had for 4 years, just recently started to urinate outside the litterbox.  There is no new stress in her life and I clean all 3 litterboxes twice a day.  I also just recently added 2 more litterboxes throughout my home, which has seemed to help.  On occasion, I see her standing with her back legs up on the litterbox, which means it is still going over the side of the box.  Also, I know that it is shedding season now, but this same cat seems like she has hairballs, but nothing comes up.  I am giving her hairball ointment as directed, but she is "hacking" constantly.  Are these signs of a bigger problem? I am very concerned, but I am very short on money and I know how expensive a vet bill can get, especially in diagnosing a problem.  Any help?  Thanks!

Hi Nycole!  These symptoms could be indicating an infection.  My first guess would be a urinary tract infection.  She is displaying uncanny signs of this infection.
A Urinary Tract Infection will cause a cat to not use the litter box, and it is very easily treated with antibiotics.
As for her hacking.  This is normal during this season.  Some cats are "hackers" some are not.  My one cat always coughs, but does not spit of the hairball, as she swallows it.  Alot of cats will do this, especially with hairball remedies, as this makes the hairball slide right through the intestinal tract.
The diagnosis of a Urinary Tract Infection is by doing a urinalysis (around $20) and the antibiotics are around $6.
I hope this has been helpful and please keep me posted!