Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Fleas?


18 15:13:17


Marie - I think my dog has fleas but am unsure. I plan on scheduling a vet appointment for Saturday but am hoping for some guidance until then. All was good with my 5 year old Pug until about an hour ago. He started to walk funny as if he was in pain (rear leg). I put him on his back to check him out and much to my surprise... bugs on his stomach, everywhere. I gave him a bath right away and to my surprise, he was filthy. The water was a dark brown (he gets a bath regularly) and there were random spots of dried blood in his coat. He hasn't been scratching much so I wouldn't have thought he had fleas. Does the blood and bugs sound as if they're fleas? Any guidance you can offer is greatly appreciated!!! For what it's worth, he is in good spirits!

Hi Joseph - Yes, sounds like the fleas were having lunch on your little pug.  Glad you gave him a good bath.  You may have to do it again tonight...Make sure there are no more on him.. YOU can use some Dawn Dish water ( dish soap) , it kills the fleas... Just fill up the tub and use a little of the Dawn ( or another brand) of dish water liquid.
In the future, use a good Oatmeal bath shampoo for dogs.  The DAWN is only when there is a major FLEA emergency.

yes, get to the vet for some monthly flea medication...
Ok, have him get a good physical from the vet.

BEST of luck
Have fun with the bathing...

Marie Peppers LPN MA