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Poodle Shakes head alot and has alot of red lil rashes

18 15:13:17

Hi, I have a 12 year old poodle. He has all of a sudden started to shake his had alot and his ears are really scaly and thick in the inside. Also he has a knot on his kneck under the skin by his right ear. He has be excessively biting at himself and they spots that he picks at turns red and the hair is gone. Also, he hardly come around unless u make him, he likes to stay hidden under the bed. I am really worried about him and just want some answers. PLEASE HELP

This sounds like he is having something affecting his skin.  The ear is skin also and that is why his ears are bothering him.  YOu should let your vet examine hime to see if he needs cortisone for his itching and specific treatment for an ear infection.