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anal sac adenocarcinomas

18 15:12:48

Our 12yr old Australian Shepperd has anal sac adenocarcinoma. Since he had never be "fixed" our Vet suggest to do that to help slow the process. We did that, and we agree with our Vet it was best to let nature take it's course. That was about a month ago He's stinky because of the "area" gets well.. yucky, but understand that we would go broke with antibiotics. So we live with "smelly yucky" -LOL

Currently he's drinking more water than normal
and I have read that is part of the progress of the disease.
And the past 2 nights he pooped in the house - which just doesn't happen.  What we want to know is what do we expect as things progress? What are the stages?

Sandy -

I am sorry to that your dog is sick. Is your pet on meds to keep him comfortable? Antibiotics and pain medications can help him to be more comfy; I always suggest that you  put yourself into his place and try to imagine the pain he must be experiencing.

The prognosis for this disease is poor.  I cannot tell you the direct progression of this disease, but you should have bloodwork done regularly to screen for hypercalcemia which could lead to kidney disease or kidney failure.  Your vet can screen for this potential problem and can give fluids to help decrease the calcium level in the body.

Talk to your vet about ways to keep your pet comfortable during this time of sickness.  He/she can provide you with medicine to ease his discomfort.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM