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Is my cat crazy?

18 14:37:49

Hello, m cat Chloe is 6 years old and is very anti-social. She will not interact with other cats and spends most of her time isolated. My concern is that she seems to be frightened to come out and use the litter-box and I afraid that she is urinating and defecating around the house. Is there a medical reason for this and is there something that I can do? She is not violent or aggressive but seems to only be friendly in my company and mine alone. Thank you for your time.

Well it sounds like Chloe has a problem with being socialized when she was younger. Some cats just naturally prefer one person however.

If, however, she is frightened by something that is different. She may be experiencing some physical issues such as a bladder infection or even bladder stones. These will cause her to not use the litter box.

You need to get her into the vets and have a good exam done of her. The vet can rule out any issues she might be having that are not that visible to you.

Until then there is not much you can do for her- so get her to the vets soon.