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cockateil w/ a broken lower beak

18 15:08:27

My one year old female cockateil managed to cut it self on
a scissors last night. It bled a little..and just wanted to sleep. This morning we see that it looks like an area of her
lower beak is chipped/cracked. The bird tries to eat seeds
but can't hold them in its mouth. She is drinking water and
I am feeding her baby bird food formula w/ a syringe. She is
taking it. Will her beak grow back? Does she need to see a
vet? Or can I wait...She seems to have been improving, since
she was injured. Thank you for your help

she may need some reconstruction of her beak to be able to eat properly. I would find a GREAT bird (avian) veterinarian and see them as soon as you can. Or you may have to feed her by syringe the rest of her life, and that would not be fun.
Dr. Chambreau