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problem with my dog

18 16:06:13

ok i took my golden to the vet because she was vomiting and not eating or going to the bathroom.
for 4 days, the vet took some ex-rays to see if there is some blockage. well she didn't see anything just infamed bowel.ok then she gave her barium which she told me should of went threw her system in about 4 hrs which it moved very slowly threw her system it took about 12 hrs. it didn't stop at any blockage or any thing, what is wrong the vet was saying she has very slow mobility in her intestines and stomach. i'm getting scared because it sounds to me the vet doesnt' know what it is. please help i don't want to loose my dog.

I would suggest consulting an internal medicine specialist if you are not comfortable with your general practitioner.

But keep in mind, if she has been vomiting, there will not be anything in her system to defecate.

You could try a bland diet such as meat baby food or boiled chicken/rice or prescription diet i/d with a medication called REGLAN (metoclopramide) to see if that helps her vomiting and motility.

Since the barium did pass through that is a good sign.  The motility may be altered from her being sick (maybe from a viral infection? initially) and it could take her a bit of time to get back to normal.  Did she have blood work checked?  If not, you should have her kidney and liver values checked as well as a CBC and electrolytes (make sure the vet ruled out Addison's Disease.)