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earmites & other

18 15:47:31

Hi Ellen,
        I have two questions for you.

1. I am wondering if a pet store item such as Hartz earmite remedy will be as effective in this situation or if something from the vet is better

2. I have a kitty with an itchy back and dandruff. What can I try before a vet visit or a bath? She's pretty tough so a bath is difficult.
Well hopefully you can help and I appreciate your time. Thank you, Jessica

1. NEVER EVER use Hartz products on a cat EVER!  See your vet for a prescription med. Your cat may  not have ear mites, but a yeast infection instead.

2. Speak with your vet at the same time about the dandruff. but a high quality diet and omega fatty acids to her food can help :)