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premature puppies

18 15:41:09

I have a question about 4 boxer puppies that were born premature,my wife thinks about 2 weeks early.The puppies are nursing except for one of them.We've taken them to the vet,but the little toes on the puppies look like they are splitting.Also they will tense up almost like they are having seizures and in about 1 minute they are fine.The early delivery was due to the female fighting with another dog is my best guess.Why are they tensing up?The vet didn't give any special instructions on what to do.I don't know if she had several more puppies and the other dog took them but she had 11 the last time she had puppies.Is this too early for their insides to be developed?Also most of them came out without the sack(bag)on them.We raise boxer puppies but this is the first time anything like this has happened.

Their blood sugar may be too low or they may be cold causing the shivering--or there could be some other developmental problem.  You should bottle feed them every 2 hours and then stimulate them with a warm washcloth to get them to defecate and urinate if mom is not doing her job.  Keep them in a nesting box with heat lamps on them.  I am not sure what is going on with the toes without seeing them.  They should be pretty-well developed but sometimes early delivery and stress can lead to weaker immune systems and infection and usually the last thing to develop is the lungs.