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flakey skin on dog

18 15:16:46

I recently took my dog to the vet for ticks. I was charged $400. for blood
tests and all the extras my dog supposably needed. A week or so after
appying frontline plus I noticed matted fur on lower back. took a closer look
and saw dry skin patches some with little blood. Surface of skin is very
flakey. Before getting over charged at the vet again. Is there some over the
counter product I can use. Or some kind of home remedy. I know I sound like
a cheapo but I have four dogs and every vet visit burns a hole in my wallet.
thank you in advance.. By the way my dog is a seven year old rott. I feed
them beniful dog food.

Hello Irma - first off the Beniful is not a very good food at all... I know it looks great!  Let me know if you want to make any changes...?

Next, Buy some vitamin E capsules - pop a few with a pin and place this gel onto your dogs skin / areas in question..
You can clean the area with Hydrogen Peroxide and Water first...
Do this once per day for 5 days.

If that doesn't help, let me know and I will give you another Idea...


NuVET Plus - the BEST skin supplement in the USA / Immune system booster...