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Itchy dog.

18 14:04:35

Good day. I have a Jack Russel mix. she is 2 years old. She has developed an itch across her lower back, tummy and by her tail. She sleeps inside and eats very healthy food. Not table food. Vet told me to give her cortisone but its makes her totally disorientated. Its like she is allergic to flea bites. I keep her clean and try my best to make sure she has not fleas.

What can i give her or put on the itchy areas so she will stop scratching.

Thank you

If she has a flea allergy, then the best thing is to give cortisone.  There are many different types that work without side effects.  If she absolutely cannot take cortisone, then she may get some relief with ATOPICA (Cyclosporine).  If your vet has APOQUEL (oclacitinib), that would work, too.  Strict flea control with an oral product, like Comfortis, Nexgard, or Bravecto and spraying the environment will help reduce the exposure to fleas.