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Momma cat

18 15:48:49

Tooter my one year old cat has two five week old kittens.  I took her to the vet today because she's had diahrrhea for several days.  He prescribed Amoxi-Drop.  

It's the weekend now and she's eating and drinking.  But what can I do for her sore rear end.  Vaseline?  

Also, one of the kittens eyes keeps closing and getting crusted.  I've been cleaning it with warm damp towel, but then within a few hours it wants to close again.  What can I do for the little fellow?


Vaseline will prevent new liquid from touching the rectal area, but it will not help the current excoriation.  Ask your vet for a steroid/antibiotic creme that will soothe the tissues as well as provide a moisture barrier to the skin.  As far as the kitten, this is probably a chlamydia infection and it should have an erythromycin eye ointment to help it.  Check with your vet.