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My cat has a problem with her eyes

18 14:28:08

We have an outdoor cat named Garbage that showed up at our house around two years ago. We believe she was abandoned because she is spayed and she is definitely at least half Maine Coon, which is not a very common stray. Today I noticed her green eyes were only about half visible. The green could only be seen in the outer corners of her eyes. My mom said she saw Garbage's eyes like this last night, and my dad said he saw them like this in July so they do go back to normal, but I am concerned about her. I appreciate all your help in discovering what is wrong with her eyes.

Any time a cat or dog has an eye issue you need to get them into the vets. There are too many things that can go wrong with eyes that you don't want to mess around waiting for something.

Cats will let their third eyelids cover their eyes when they purr, but if this is something that happens often then there is another issue going on that should be looked at by the vets.

So get her into the vets and make sure she is tested for leukemia and vaccinated.