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Kitten problem

18 15:57:04

My friend adopted a mother cat (about 9 months old) and her kitten (about 2 months old), Both are all white with short hair and long bodies. The kitten shows signs of being deaf and is so obsteporous she is thinking of giving her to the humane society. The kitte loves water and spraying him with water to correct misbehavior makes him think its a game. He is into everything and doesn't seem to be able to understand corrections. My friend is knowlegeable about cats and has had them all her life. This problem is really getting to her. Can you help? I think maybe the kitten has a "screw loose"!  

If she takes the kitten to the humane society, they will most likely put him to sleep.  Many white cats, especially with blue eyes, are born deaf.  Kittens will be kittens and they do get into trouble just like kids.  At 2 months old it is hard to train them because their attention spam is limited and they are still developing.  I think he needs more time and PATIENCE.  

Tell your friend that when she adopted the cats, she made a commitment.  If you have kids and they are bad, you don't just drop them off at the pound.  You have to TRY and work the problems out.  But since we live in a throw-away society, it is easier to dump the problematic animals versus spending time or money on them....behavior problems are the #1 reason animals are taken the shelter every year and MILLIONS are put to sleep EACH and EVERY year.

Tell her to try adding lemon juice to the water bottle.  I am not really sure what he is doing that is so bad but he is a just a baby.  My last two kittens played in the toilet if the seat wasn't down, knocked over stuff all the time, got on the table, played with everything and they were bad!  But they were kittens, doing what kittens do and they grew out of the playfullness and naughtiness and now they sleep most of the is kinda like the terrible 2's in toddlers.

But then again, if she doesn't have the patience to work with the little guy, maybe she doesn't deserve to have a pet.  They are a gift and beautiful creatures that really give meaning to our lives and enrich our lives in so many ways.  My animals are like my kids and I wouldn't give them up for the world!