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my cat wont pee in the box

18 15:15:02

QUESTION: yesterday I've noticed no pee in the box when I cleaned it.I watched the cat this morning and he peed on the floor next to the box while he was in the box.When he comes out of the box he scoots on the floor and is constantly licking himself. I took him to the vet yesterday and all they did was give him fluids. He didn't pee all day until 11:30 last night. I'm very worried. What should I do next?

ANSWER: Hi Kim - yes, I can help.  What did your vet say was wrong?  Was the cat dehydrated?  Was there an Urinary infection noted?  How old is this cat?  Let me know and I will come up with a plan for you two.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The vet didn't do any tests. Didn't say anything except "lets fill him up so he will pee". He just turned 5. I give him wet food 2x day and 1/4 cup dry when I come home from work. I also give him a small amount of milk 2-3x week for the extra fluids. He is still not acting like himself(not asking for food) and he is still scooting and licking his privates alot every time he goes in the box.

Hi Kim -  Ok, I have some help for your cat kid...

Please give this boy some canned pumpkin every morning ( 1 tablespoon), this will help his intestines... ( pure canned )

Please put your boy on some Activia yogurt - Just 2 -3 teaspoons per day - Make sure it is Activia with the live bacterias...
Good for the Scooting and gets rid of the yeast...  ( ge may have an over growth of yeast in his blood- makes them lick too much)

NuVET feline Formula - This is a powder you mix into his food.
This will heal the area very quickly and keep him Healthy!
NuVET heals and strengthens the Immune system .... Good to take every day for a lifetime... ( about .50 cents per day)
KEEPS the vet away!!
Call now - They get phone orders out very quickly
1-800-474-7044 Make sure you tell them Marie and code 81098/
They can't sell to the public without a VET / Breeder REFERRAL code:
Not sold in any stores.

***here is the web site for your review:
NuVET feline - PlEASE call in your order for Quick turn around -
I want to see her on this ASAP...Guaranteed to help or they will refund your $$$.
You can order a 30 count, 90 count or 180 count of this Feline formula.
I would at least go with the 90 day count...

Please let me know how he does...

Please e-mail me at :

Marie Peppers